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Kiri Leach

Expressions of Interest open for Regional Consumer Councils

Health New Zealand is setting up four Regional Consumer Councils to strengthen the voice of consumers, whānau and communities in design, delivery and monitoring of health services for all New Zealanders.

Director Consumer Engagement and Whānau Voice, Hector Matthews, says “the move from local consumer councils to regional councils will ensure consumers are heard at national, regional and local level. Consumer learnings and insights will be applied more consistently across our healthcare networks.”

“The Code of Expectations for consumer engagement, under Pae Ora legislation, expects Health NZ to ensure the consumer voice is at the heart of our mahi. “

“There is already a wide array of local mechanisms through which consumers are advising Health NZ around the country, including Iwi-Māori Partnership boards, governance and steering groups and advice on specific projects. This engagement will continue and inform the work of the Regional Councils.’’

Expressions of Interest (EOI) opened this week for the Councils, expected to be in place by 1 July. EOIs are required by close of business 3 June 2024.

Te Tai Tokerau's voice embodies the largest Māori community, comprising around 180,000 people. Ensuring strong representation in these regional councils is crucial to ensure we remain heard, understood and part of the kōrero. Kia kaha tatou!

Click the link for more information and to complete the EOI

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